Dongtai fortune could not succeed without the dedication of our entire team. Every member of our team we work together to provide excellent service for every customer. We know you have a choice with whom you do business and when you require a new product or solution we want you to think of Dongtai fortune first.

When you need a quotation, confirmation of a purchase order, or response to a technical inquiry, Dongtaifortune is committed to providing the best service in the industry. We excel at responding quickly to all inquiries and get you answers as soon as possible. Let us show you how you deserve to be treated by a manufacturing partner.
Program Pricing
Dongtai fortune is committed to offering you the best pricing possible for your program. Our breadth of manufacturing options allows us to custom fit your unique program that best suits your requirements. This allows us to be extremely competitive on both low and high volume programs and even single cavity prototype runs.
Dongtai fortune is dedicated to having your parts to you on-time, every time. With a continuous flow of sea and air shipments we can coordinate the delivery option that meets your needs. We track project status on a daily basis to ensure that your targets are met and your production stays online.
Quality Control
Premiere Precision Components’ quality and receiving departments have strict protocols for inspections based on published ISO standards. Our testing methods and procedures are consistent for all products we produce to customers across all industries. This dedication to quality continues throughout our organization with standardized procedures for customer service, accounting, sales, and management activities.
Continuous Improvement
Dongtai fortune has developed continuous improvement programs to develop “best practices” in all situations. When issues arise we address them as a team with sales, customer service, quality, manufacturing and logistics working together to determine a root cause and a strategy for stronger controls. We do this to continually to earn your trust and in order to be your strategic manufacturing partner.